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1. You will need to have an account, you can create one from here. 2. Select one of our products you would like to purchase, from here. 3. Click buy now and fill out shipping information and select your preferred payment method. Pay and we will handle the rest.

TAPRAT tag is not working? 1. Remember: - iPhones scan from the very top center of phone, androids scan from the center backside - The tag needs to be in the appropriate scan area for 1-2 seconds.  - iPhones will not scan when locked, they must be unlocked  - For androids, make sure NFC is turned ON in settings - The “wiggle” method helps phones pick up the tag easier 2. If still not scanning - if you have an iPhone X, iPhone mini, iPhone 8, or iPhone 7 these phones are too old and do not have Tap abilities. - Some lower-end androids do not have tap abilities You can find out by going to settings where bluetooth and wifi are located and seeing if there is an NFC toggle. If there is, you have tap, if there is not you may not have. 3. STILL not scanning - Please contact us, we can help fix it.

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